My Fitness Journey

    After I had my son I could not wait to start working out again, all I needed was the "okay" from my doctor and I was good to go. Pre-pregnancy I was extremely "fit..." I practically lived at the gym. When I found out I was pregnant I swore I was gonna eat healthy and workout everyday! well... that lasted about 16 weeks! I was so tired and sick I had no energy to go to the gym, I also used the "I'm pregnant so I can eat what I want" excuse. Even though I only gained 30 pounds with my pregnancy my body was not the same. All my muscle disappeared and I was no longer toned, and that is what bothered me. 

     6 weeks after my son was born I got the "go ahead" from my doctor and was so excited to go home and start P90X. I stuck with the program for about 2 weeks and was starting to see results.. but it was just too difficult to include in my daily routine especially with a newborn. So I put it off until I moved to Savannah a couple weeks later. January 1, 2012 was my new start date...

  This time I made it through the entire program!! My results were pretty good, in 90 days I was down to my pre pregnancy weight and down 5 inches off my entire body. P90X2 had come out a little before I finished my first round, so instead of doing a second round of P90X I decided to go straight to its sequel. I made new goals and that was to challenge myself and focus on strengthening my weaknesses. In March 2012 I started cleaning up my diet, drinking Shakeology daily and used P90X2 as my workout program. By the end of P90X2 I was definitely more strong and I could tell my muscles were starting to lean out. I like to add variety to my routines because I get bored easily, so I started Brazil Butt Lift shortly after that and am now doing a hybrid program. I know my body is only going to get stronger.. so I will continue to use beachbody programs.. and I am so excited to be able to help other post baby mamas get back into shape!


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